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Education workshops for young people

Young people who are no longer of compulsory school age and have no occupation are referred to the educational service. These include young people who have no plans for the future. Others get bored during the school holidays because of their poor network of relationships and a lack of means.

They are offered educational pathways that are supported by volunteers and educators in a range of vocational fields such as building work (painting, minor repairs, etc.), maintenance of green spaces, cleaning, removal work and tidying.

Young people learn:

  • The basics of a trade,
  • How to work in a team,
  • Respect for customers and equipment,
  • And they acquire a greater professional vocabulary.

In time, it is expected that the young people will be able to come to terms with the requirements of apprenticeships, define what they want to do and draw up a life plan for themselves, with the support of the educational team. At the same time, they gain their first experience of work.

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