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Report an abuse

If you have been the victim of, or witnessed, any abuse that may involve our organisation in any way, please let us know via the e-mail address or the button below. You can write to us in English, German, French and Luxembourgish.

The types of abuse concerned include among others child abuse, sexual abuse and exploitation, harassment, misuse of our name, data breach or leakage, and any form of corruption or fraud. 

The information you give us will be treated confidentially and shared only with those who need the information to investigate your report and, if applicable, the relevant authorities (police, judiciary).

Report an abuse

HUT - Hëllef um Terrain is committed to creating a safe working environment that complies with current legislation. Internal procedures have been put in place to deal with whistle-blowers (find out more about the legal framework) and to prevent moral and sexual harassment.

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