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On the right track

Friday 8 November 2024

One month after its launch, HUT - Hëllef um Terrain would like to give some news.

The national aid services have all been provided for the beneficiaries. These services are aimed at homeless people, people living in precarious conditions and exclusion, refugees and migrants, as well as children, young people and their families. A list of support services is available at The partnerships that were put in place to enable these services to be provided have all been signed, in particular with the numerous ministries, municipalities and other national players in the field of social assistance*. The staff of the various services have been in action for a month now, with commitment and motivation. New projects are already being defined by the teams. The aim is to help people in need as much as possible.

HUT - Hëllef um Terrain is now a member of Spëndchen, which manages the BUTTEK social grocery purchasing centre and the Centre national de Collecte et de Tri, of which the Luxembourg Red Cross is also a member. The grocery shops in Luxembourg City, Rédange/Attert, Diekirch and Esch/Alzette welcome people in need. A partnership is being finalised with the town of Esch/Alzette to strengthen the Esch/Alzette social grocery shop, which has a large number of beneficiaries.

HUT - Hëllef um Terrain has also joined the Dräieck asbl, which manages the Wanteraktioun on behalf of the Ministère de la Famille, des Solidarités, du Vivre ensemble et de l'Accueil, and which also includes the Luxembourg Red Cross and Inter-Actions. The Wanteraktioun will start on 15 November. The HUT - Hëllef um Terrain team will manage the night shelter until 15 April.

In the near future, HUT - Hëllef um Terrain will be joining other organisations and platforms to strengthen its mission of helping the most disadvantaged members of our society. This week, for example, HUT - Hëllef um Terrain took part in the board meeting of FEANTSA, the European federation of organisations working for the homeless, which was held in Brussels.

In terms of financial support, HUT - Hëllef um Terrain can now count not only on that of its founding members, including the Fondation Félix Chomé and the Fondation La Luxembourgeoise, but also on that of the Fondation André Losch. Without their financial support and that of the various funding bodies, HUT - Hëllef um Terrain would not have been able to launch its activities and provide the help on the ground that it does now. In the coming weeks and months, initiatives will be taken to further increase and diversify sources of funding.

The Board of Directors has been strengthened by the arrival of two new members, Netty Klein and Evie Roos. For the time being, the eight members of the Board are responsible for part of the operational side of HUT - Hëllef um Terrain, whilst awaiting the recruitment of the Managing Director. The position of Administrative and Financial Director has been entrusted to Erica Monfardini.

There are currently more than ten positions open at HUT - Hëllef um Terrain. HUT - Hëllef um Terrain is mainly looking for social workers and educators, but not only. Vacancies are available at HUT - Hëllef um Terrain was present on 16 October at the University of Luxembourg during the ALICES Dag to inform future social workers of the opportunities available at HUT - Hëllef um Terrain. On 21 November, HUT - Hëllef um Terrain will be present at the Assises sociales de la Ville de Luxembourg. This will be another opportunity to exchange ideas with the social world and to discuss projects and future collaborations.

In conclusion, HUT - Hëllef um Terrain would like to thank its staff for the excellent work they do on a daily basis, and the founding members and all its partners for the trust they have placed in it. One month after its launch, it is clear that HUT - Hëllef um Terrain is on the right track.


(*) Partners with whom an agreement has already been signed include : the Ministry of Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees, the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, the Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning, the Ministry for Health and Social Security, the Ministry for Gender Equality and Diversity, the Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity, the City of Luxembourg, the City of Differdange, the Office social of the Canton of Redange, the Office social of Differdange.

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