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Wanteraktioun 2024/2025 is on its way

Tuesday 12 November 2024

On Monday, an information meeting was held for the launch of Wanteraktioun 2024/2025, with all the organisations involved in the initiative, whether directly or indirectly.

The aim of Wanteraktioun is to ensure that people living on the streets have a warm place to stay during the coldest months of the year.

HUT - Hëllef um Terrain was well represented at this meeting, as the Wanteraktioun mobilises a large number of its services: street workers, street nurses, help and guidance services, psychologists, the Atelier thérapeutique d'Ehlerange for laundry, and many others.

HUT - Hëllef um Terrain is mainly responsible for running the Wanteraktioun night shelter, which is coordinated by Djenna Empain (photo).

For me, it's important to be part of the Wanteraktioun team again. I already took part last year. My experience will be very useful. What's more, I really enjoyed it. Human contact is essential in an action like the Wanteraktioun’, emphasises Djenna Empain.

Wanteraktioun starts on 15 November and runs until 15 April 2025.

Wanteraktioun is an initiative of the Ministry of Family, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees and is managed by Dräieck asbl, of which HUT - Hëllef um Terrain is a recent member. The other two members are the Luxembourg Red Cross, which manages the day shelter, and Inter-Actions, which coordinates the field work.

All the information you need to get there is available in the flyer, which can be downloaded below.

Download the 2024/2025 Wanteraktioun Flyer (in French)

Download the poster (in French)

Download the certificate of attendance at a social service (in French)

Download the latest Dräieck asbl press release (in French)

Good work to all the Wanteraktioun team and a big THANK YOU to the hundred or so volunteers who get involved every year!

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