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Shelters for victims of human trafficking

HUT - Hëllef um Terrain runs two shelters for victims of human trafficking: La Villa and L'Etape. 

This service is part of a national activity: InfoTraite, which brings together Hut - Hëllef um Terrain, the SAVTEH service of Femmes en Détresse and COTEH of the Fondation Maison de la Porte Ouverte, under the umbrella of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Diversity, and works closely with the police. 

The two facilities, La Villa and L'Etape, mainly take in male victims of human trafficking. Depending on needs and available space, they can also take in female victims of human trafficking or male victims of domestic violence. 
Hosting takes place in an open environment. Reception is on an emergency basis, for a variable duration depending on the specific needs and status of the person being cared for. To ensure the safety of residents, addresses are kept confidential.  

On a day-to-day basis, residents are advised and assisted by social workers in their various administrative and legal procedures. They are supported in their psycho-social problems and, if necessary, referred to the appropriate services. Finally, they are supervised and guided towards autonomous living. Respect for the community, support in learning one of the local languages and finding a job are all part of the path to autonomy. 

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